How does rust form on your car’s exhaust? The exhaust system is closer the ground and thus more vulnerable to moisture and debris from the road, like salt. Gasses and moisture inside your exhaust system also contribute to rust over time. If you live near the coast where salt collects in the air or in an area that uses road salt in the winter, frequent washing of the undercarriage will remove salt and dirt buildup that causes rust and corrosion. Ask your technician to inspect your exhaust system when you get your oil changed to monitor health.

When it comes to safety and vehicle health, replacing one rusted component is more time-consuming and expensive long-term. Rust is like cancer; once it has spread to one area of the vehicle, it won’t slow down. If your technician finds a rusty pipe on the exhaust system, but the rest of the system hasn’t been affected, you may be tempted to request welding in a new pipe or welding it back together. Rust is a sign of age and corrosion, so you’re better off replacing the system since a temporary fix will only prolong the issue and possibly put you in a dangerous situation.

Our team of technicians and service advisors at Fifth Gear Automotive is ready to answer any of your questions! Schedule an appointment today if you’re concerned about any aspect of your vehicle’s health.

Information courtesy of Paul Campanella’s Auto & Tire Center!